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Helping Parents, Teachers, and Caregivers Deal with Children's Concerns About War

by Fred Rogers with Hedda Bluestone Sharapan
March/April 1991
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Article Link: http://www.exchangepress.com/article/helping-parents-teachers-and-caregivers-deal-with-childrens-concerns-about-war/5007826/

It is certainly understandable that parents, teachers, and caregivers are struggling with feelings about how to communicate with children about the current world crisis. War is an emotional issue for all of us. Anything with such potential for loss and devastation is bound to reawaken any previous fears and significant losses in our own lives. We hear news of war with our ears of today and our hearts of the past. Some adults have even told us they are having trouble sorting out their own needs from those of the children.

As with all concerns about childhood, there aren't magic answers. We are glad to share with you some of our reflections about the Persian Gulf crisis, and we hope these thoughts may be helpful for you as you continue to find your own ways of meeting the needs of the children you love and care for. We also hope you realize that you're giving important care to your children just by your wanting to be helpful to them.

Assurance That Adults Will Take Care of Them

In any fearful time, children need to know that they will be safe and that the adults will take care ...

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