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Controlling Your Temper

"To face despair and not give in to it, that's courage." - Ted Koppel


Redford Williams, Duke University professor and author of Anger Kills:  17 Strategies for Controlling the Hostility That Can Harm Your Health (New York:  HarperCollins; ) observes that we pay a heavy price for anger — both in terms of strains on relationships and harm to our health.   He offers these first aid tips:

Recognition:  When you first become aware that you are getting angry, shout "Stop!"  Obviously, if you are in public, you will make this a silent shout.  For all its complexity, the mind obeys simple commands.  Shouting "Stop" derails the anger-bound train so that it loses enough steam to be controlled.

Distraction:  To get your mind off of your rage, focus on something else...recall a savory meal or imagine hiking through whispering pines.

Empathy:  Try to see the situation from the other person's point of view.  Always give him/her the benefit of the doubt.

Exercise:  This strengthens your nervous system's built-in calming response.  Your heart rate and blood pressure return to normal more quickly.

Meditation:  This calms both body and mind.  For 15 minutes a day, sit quietly, focusing your breath, saying a word like "peace" or "calm" with each exhale.  After you have practiced for a while, you may be able to calm yourself in difficult situations by taking a few deep breaths.

:  When there is good reason to be angry — because something can and should be changed — channel your energy.  Tell the other person what is upsetting you. Describe how you feel about it — and make a simple request for a change.

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