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Fifty’s a Magic Number for Schoolhouse Rock!

I am a writer of books in retrospect. I talk in order to understand; I teach in order to learn.
Robert Frost, Poet, 1874-1963

This year marks the 50th Anniversary for Schoolhouse Rock. Born originally out of a Madison Avenue ad executive’s frustration that their children could memorize rock lyrics but not multiplication tables, Schoolhouse Rock brought educational programming to Saturday morning cartoons, in 3-minute increments.

As James Poniewozik says in the New York Times, “If you were an American kid around when I was (nineteen-seventy-cough), you probably have ‘Schoolhouse Rock’ hard-wired into your brain too. The musical shorts, which began airing on ABC in 1973, taught Generation X multiplication, grammar, history and, eventually, nostalgia.”

To celebrate, take a moment to reminisce or to get to know the series. Here are a few Exchange Press staff favorites:

Tell us in the comments which episodes you loved, what you learned or which lyrics still rock your brain 50 years later!

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