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A Manner of Speaking Sep/Oct '94

by Bonnie Neugebauer
September/October 1994
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Article Link: http://www.exchangepress.com/article/a-manner-of-speaking/5009920/

"I expect something to happen, and then it does." - Vickie Loghmanieh, University at Buffalo Child Care Center

The story of the work of Vickie Loghmanieh is one I have heard before, in many different ways, from and about the directors I have met in my life in early childhood. Many directors of early childhood programs are incredibly effective changemakers. They are constantly surprising others by what they are able to accomplish. "I never thought it would happen" - but it did. "I never thought she could get them to listen" - but she did. Stories, hundreds of them, about people who are able to get their way. And, more amazing, they are able to effectively create change, without whining or complaining, without making others defensive. Perhaps this is the secret to effective change - knowing exactly what must happen.

Expectation is a remarkably effective tool in determining the future. As educators, we all know the importance of our expectations in shaping the behavior of others. If we expect Sam to be a troublemaker, he will undoubtedly knock over Abigail's block tower on his way to the toilet. If we ...

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