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Dispatch from Mudville

by Rusty Keeler
September/October 2012
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Article Link: http://www.exchangepress.com/article/dispatch-from-mudville/5020792/

So there we have it: another successful World Forum International Mud Day, an event of the Nature Collaborative for Children that is celebrated, enjoyed, laughed at, and loved. Did you go for it? Did you give it a try? Did you go for it wildly and crazily or did you take a little step by adding a bit of mud to your outdoor (or indoor) mix of fun and children? I hope you joined in. First, because it is so much fun and children love it so much. But also because it is ever so easy. The longer I work with groups on outdoor environments, the more I appreciate simple, simple, simple. In this case dirt + water = fun. Boom. Sure, there are logistics (how do we clean off? what sort of clothes do we wear? what if we accidentally eat some mud?), but for the most part the ‘effort vs. end result’ ratio of something like this is what the dreams of child care providers and playscape designers are made of.

I am currently working to create a natural ‘adventure playground’ in Ithaca, New York, where children of all ages and abilities are free to create, build, dream, play, and ...

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