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Experts Interpret Child Care Research - A Response to the NICHD Study

by Dana E. Friedman
March/April 2002
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Article Link: http://www.exchangepress.com/article/experts-interpret-child-care-research-a-response-to-the-nichd-study/5014410/

Using the latest research on child care as a springboard, Bright Horizons Family Solutions convened a renowned group of child development experts to discuss the findings and their implications for parents, providers, and investors in child care. These experts included: Richard M. Clifford, Bettye M. Caldwell, Mark R. Ginsberg, Jim Greenman, Alice Sterling Honig, and Sharon Lynn Kagan.

Some development of assertive and aggressive behaviors are a natural consequence of life in small groups. The study found that when children in child care for less than ten hours got into kindergarten, the number of children shown as having aggressive tendencies went up fairly dramatically during kindergarten rating. They were just starting to learn to function in a small group.

Parenting is a scary business. Mothers and fathers alike are full of questions and concerns from the moment they see the first ultrasound image to the first time they have to change a diaper by themselves, and from the first day of school to college graduation.

But one of the scariest first decisions new parents face is also a critical one. "Can I, and should I, entrust the care of my child to someone else? And if so, to whom?" First time mothers ...

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