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Kind and Firm Isn't Always Fun and Frolic

by Roslyn Duffy
July/August 2004
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Article Link: http://www.exchangepress.com/article/kind-and-firm-isnt-always-fun-and-frolic/5015860/

�" Situation �"

The occasion was the birth of our newest granddaughter, Myra*; an event not regarded as blessed by one particular family member, i.e. her older sister, Mandy. Where to begin: before or after the eye drops?

I’ll begin before. Mandy came home with her grandfather the night of Myra’s birth, to spend the weekend at our house. This time the sailing was not so smooth.

I will spare you the getting dressed, eating, and tooth brushing details; but suffice it to say that by mid-Saturday morning, we were well into our parenting tool bags. Where had our darling Mandy gone? It was like a different child had moved in and �" of course, one had!

�" Situation �"

Reality Check

Not long ago, I wrote a column about getting our granddaughter, Mandy,* off to school after an overnight stay with us. One by one, I itemized the Positive Discipline tools we used and how each had worked. My editor worried that I would discourage everyone with my picture perfect morning, so I added a caveat that although the tools work, things are not always this smooth: my version of a Results May Vary warning.

Well, this time, Grandma (me) and Grandpa (a 25-year veteran ...

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