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Public Policy and You

by Eric Karolak
July/August 2008
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Article Link: http://www.exchangepress.com/article/public-policy-and-you/5018232/

This issue of Exchange marks the launch of a new column devoted to public policy and you. We’ll survey major events and trends at the state and federal levels and how they affect you and your work with young children.

Have you ever met with an elected official to talk about the work you do? Have you ever written or called a legislator’s office based on an action alert you received? Do you know the name of your Congressman and where he/she stands on child care? Do you wonder why people keep asking you these kinds of questions?

“Why does all this matter? It’s all going on at the capitol and I have a program to run, children to care for… ”

Elected officials make decisions that really do impact your day-to-day work as a child care provider. Many of the forms you fill out, trainings you attend, tuition assistance you receive, benchmarks you strive for, and processes you adhere to are because of a piece of legislation or regulation from Washington, DC or your state capital.

Policies and you

As a child care teacher, you have the best insight, recommendations, and stories and experiences about what is really going on in your center ...

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