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'You are Welcome': an Ethical Approach to Child Care

by Anne Kennedy
September/October 2008
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Article Link: http://www.exchangepress.com/article/you-are-welcome-an-ethical-approach-to-child-care/5018346/

Providing high quality programs or services for young children and families is a professionally challenging and highly complex endeavor. Center administrators, directors, and caregivers are required to address issues of accountability, accessibility, affordability, and appropriateness as they work with increasingly diverse families and children, often with limited resources and support. At the same time there is a growing recognition by governments of the importance of the early years linked to the notion that every childhood lasts a lifetime. In attempting to address these competing demands, it can be difficult for decision makers in early care and education to know where to focus their thinking and efforts.

Some researchers in early childhood education are making a strong argument that the focus needs to shift from a ‘what works’ or ‘technical’ approach to the recognition that ethics is at the heart of early childhood education and care (Dahlberg & Moss, 2005). The challenges and the complexity of working in child care signify that ethics need to be regarded as central to the provision of high quality care and education. The ethical nature of early childhood education has also been highlighted in early childhood professional codes of ethics (NAEYC, 1998; ECA, 2006).

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