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The Extrovert Child in the Early Childhood Environment

by William A. Mosier and Ross Glen Chandler Nunamaker
May/June 2018
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Article Link: http://www.exchangepress.com/article/the-extrovert-child-in-the-early-childhood-environment/5024137/

Research demonstrates that about half of the human population are extroverts. Whether a young child is an introvert or extrovert is related to an aspect of genetic predisposition called temperament. What does genetic predisposition mean? This means that temperament is a product of what a child has inherited from both genetic parent family trees. Genetic makeup has a significant impact on how a person interacts with others, develops their social network, and their level of extroversion (Fowler, Dawes, & Christakis, 2009). This means that if a child’s tendency is to be more outgoing than the adult who is caring for the child, the adult needs to be respectful of the child’s preferred mode of interacting with her or his immediate surroundings.

Some young children prefer spending time alone while other young children draw energy from being around others. Adults often think that it is better for a young child to be outgoing than withdrawn and shy. However, neither temperament is better than the other. The introverted young child’s preference for playing alone, in isolation, is not inferior to preferring to play in the presence of others. Attempting to change a young child’s genetic predisposition is developmentally inappropriate and potentially damaging ...

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