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A Manner of Speaking May/Jun '95

by Bonnie Neugebauer
May/June 1995
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Article Link: http://www.exchangepress.com/article/a-manner-of-speaking/5010332/

Imagine how terrific it is to write a column and then get great mail from others sharing their stories and perspectives - in the true spirit of Child Care Information Exchange. I want to thank all of you who reponded to my last column by printing the following letters:

Recently, I was standing in line at the post office. It was the end of a Saturday morning and the line was pretty long for me. I'm kind of impatient about things like that. But I had to mail a package to my daughter and it couldn't wait - so I had to.

A young woman in her late twenties and her daughter got in line right behind me. The little girl was about seven and looked like she'd done about enough errands with mom for one day! She was playing with a pen that was attached by a long chain to the countertop beside us - a harmless, mindless way to cope with boredom. I wished I'd thought of it!

Almost immediately, the mother started running her mouth at the girl, ordering her to stop fidgeting and threatening all kinds of consequences if she didn't. The ...

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