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A Time to Laugh, A Time to Cry: The Grieving Process

by Roslyn Duffy
March/April 2003
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Article Link: http://www.exchangepress.com/article/a-time-to-laugh-a-time-to-cry-the-grieving-process/5015076/

- Situation -

"We're worried about Janine hitting her classmates the past few weeks. She's begun hitting her little sister, too; and we don't know what to do about it."

Janine's parents sat in small chairs across the table from Ms. Lui, Janine's teacher.

"Is there anything different going on at home?" Ms. Lui asked.

"No, everything is the same as usual," Janine's parents replied.

After talking over ways to respond to Janine's hitting, her parents gathered their coats to leave. Janine's mom said, "Thank you so much for giving us some new discipline ideas. On top of helping my mom go through dad's things since his death last month, I've felt too overwhelmed to cope with this hitting."

- Solution -

The Misbehavior Link

Uh oh! Reverse the tape. What was that? Grandfather died last month? 'Everything' is definitely not the 'same as usual.'

It is easy to be so caught up in our own struggles when facing life crises that we fail to recognize their connection to a child's behavior.

The loss of a family member, friend or even a pet can bring about significant changes. One child may begin to wet the bed, another refuse to eat, and another, like Janine, may hurt others.

Improved ...

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