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A Timeline of Children's Rights

by Edna Runnels Ranck
July/August 2013
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Article Link: http://www.exchangepress.com/article/a-timeline-of-childrens-rights/5021202/

Massachusetts Colony modified its Body of Liberties to provide that rebellious children be brought to court (rather than receiving capital punishment).

Connecticut required some schooling for laboring children.

New York founded a House of Refuge, the first United States institution for juvenile delinquents.

Pennsylvania Supreme Court upheld legality of institutions for juvenile delinquents and the right of courts to commit children over objections of parents.

Massachusetts passed first compulsory education law.

New York passed compulsory school attendance law.

Kate Douglas Wiggin published Children’s Rights.

Illinois creates the first juvenile court.

The Century of the Child, a book by Swedish activist Ellen Key, was translated from the German and published by G. P. Putnam’s Sons in the United States in 1909.

The first White House Conference on Children was held in 1909. These national conferences were held every 10 years until 1980.

U.S. Children’s Bureau established (first suggested at the first White House Conference on the Care of Dependent Children in 1909). Note: References to the White House Conferences on Children are from The Rights of Children, Harvard Educational Review, Reprint Series No. 9, 1974.

After World War I ended, the League of Nations was established, including a Committee for the Protection of Children. The United States did not join the League of ...

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