This volume of Exchange Essentials includes the following selected Exchange articles, in pdf format, focusing on ideas and strategies for promoting Anti-Bias Education:
The Goals of Anti-bias Education - Clearing Up Some Key Misconceptions
by Louise Derman-Sparks and Julie Olsen Edwards
Why We Practice Anti-bias Education?
by Louise Derman-Sparks
How to Get Started with Anti-bias Education in Your Classroom and Program
by Julie Olsen Edwards
Leadership Matters - Creating Anti-Bias Change in Early Childhood Programs
by Louise Derman-Sparks, John Nimmo, and Debbie LeeKeenan
Racial Justice as a Core Practice of ECE
A Conversation with Margie Carter, Ijumma Jordan, and Kelly Matthews
Connecting Our Values - Children’s Rights, Anti-bias Education, and Peace Education
by Ana Page and Louise Derman-Sparks
Nourishing Our Souls - One Teacher's Human Rights Journey
by Anita Howard
It Can Be Done! - Strategies for Embedding Anti-bias Education into Daily Programming
by Debbie LeeKeenan and Betty Allen
Perception is Not Always Reality - Re-examining Our Views of Black Boys
by Iheoma U. Iruka
Re-examining Our Views of Black Boys to Enhance Our Practice
by Mary A. Sciaraffa
- Infusing Our Daily Work with Democratic Ideals
An Interview with Rukia Monique Rogers and Nicole Allsop by Margie Carter
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