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Ask Dr. Sue - Biting and AIDS/Infection Control/Breast Feeding

by Susan S. Aronson, MD
January/February 1996
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Article Link: http://www.exchangepress.com/article/ask-dr.-sue-biting-and-aids-infection-control-breast-feeding/5010726/

Biting and AIDS Revisited

HIV passes from person to person primarily through blood-to-blood contact and sexual activity that involves contact with vaginal fluids or semen. Breast milk can spread the virus also, both because small amounts of blood can enter the milk from cracked nipples and because breast milk is a body fluid that can contain the HIV virus.

A recent report confirmed blood-to-blood transmission of the virus that causes AIDS (HIV) in a biting incident. Allegedly, a Florida prostitute with bleeding gums bit a 91 year old man while she fought with and tried to rob him. The Florida State Health Department and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention conducted a thorough investigation of this case.

After studying the DNA sequences of the virus from the infected prostitute and the victim, the CDC concluded that the viruses were similar. This case involved violent fighting of an adult with mature teeth and strength, not like biting in child care. When children bite, they rarely break the skin and most biters do not have bleeding sores in their mouths.

Biting has been implicated in HIV transmission in only one previous report. The previous instance involved two adult sisters, one ...

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