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Research - Using High-Quality Behavior Guidance Policies to Support Culturally and Linguistically Responsive Learning Environments and Interrupt Implicit Bias: Bridging Research and Practice

by Sarah Garrity and Sascha Longstreth
March/April 2020
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Article Link: http://www.exchangepress.com/article/bridging-r/5025222/

Bridging Research and Practice 

The Bridging Research and Practice feature includes an article on an aspect of early childhood research, plus links to the original published research with a companion article full of practical strategies for how to implement the research in your practice.

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Recently, troubling data on preschool suspension and expulsion rates, as well as data indicating that young boys of color and young children with disabilities are suspended and expelled for behavioral challenges three to four times as often as other children (Office of Civil Rights, 2014), has received a great deal of national attention and has served as a wake-up call to the early childhood community. Caring for and educating young children in early childhood programs is rewarding yet difficult work, and we believe it is critical that systems are in place to support children, families and staff to be their very best. Effective, high-quality behavior-guidance policies are one way to support both teaching and learning, and to prevent and address challenging behaviors in early childhood settings.


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