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Caring for the Little Ones - Winter Outside Fun with Infants and Toddlers

by Karen Miller
January/February 1996
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Article Link: http://www.exchangepress.com/article/caring-for-the-little-ones-winter-outside-fun-with-infants-and-toddlers/5010723/

In the last issue, Brenda Fischer of Stevens Point, Wisconsin, asked for hints to get several toddlers dressed to go outside during the winter months. I talked to some cold weather friends to get some practical suggestions, as well as ideas for fun things to do outside.

Getting Them Outside

_ Dawn Rouse, head infant teacher at New Horizons in Child Development in Dover, New Hampshire, gets babies ready in pairs, making it a social activity. Make sure to have everything gathered ahead of time, she reminds. Use humor, and talk to the children constantly while you are dressing them. Also ask for their cooperation. Even the smallest babies can help you, and they seem to appreciate being included in the process rather than being treated like passive dolls.

_ Kalen Saxton, who runs a home child care program in Anchorage called Kalen's Infant Toddler Parent Program, sees getting ready to go outdoors not as a chore to get through but as an integral part of her curriculum with toddlers and twos. Allow extra time for it in the winter and use it as an opportunity to build self-help skills and vocabulary. Like Dawn, she reminds us ...

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