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Today, technology can be used to engage and communicate with others in ever-expanding ways. Many directors are embracing these technological advances to market their child care programs. In addition to printing up brochures and taking out ads in newspapers, you can create a tour of your child care program that will attract new customers, as well as inform current families of your philosophy and showcase your center. Once created, it is free advertising.Video Tour
Often families visit the center at a time when the director is busy. While it doesn’t replace the ‘in person’ tour around the center, viewing a video can be a huge asset. You are assured that the family isn’t being sent away without important information to return at a more convenient time. Instead, they are given an overview and know what to expect when they do return. Once created, you have a DVD that can be:
• Mailed to prospective families moving into the area.
• Placed on the school website and on multiple social media sites for marketing purposes.
• Put in your center’s reception area on a video so enrolled families can hear your philosophy again for reinforcement. You may want to add recent school ...