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Creating Readers

by Leah Curry-Rood
September/October 1999
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Article Link: http://www.exchangepress.com/article/creating-readers/5012948/

Researchers have shown that an infant's hearing begins in the fifth month of prenatal life and is fully developed by the time an infant is three months old. Reading to children should begin the fifth month of prenatal life and continue until children are able to read to you. Children who have parents and caregivers who read to them develop strong neural connections that lay the pathway for later learning.

- Dr. Pamela Schiller, Start Smart: Building Brain Power in the Early Years (Gryphon House, 1999)

Over the years, talking with teachers and parents about reading, I have often shared one of our family secrets - we never had a "lights out" rule for children or adults! People respond with looks of disbelief and questions pour forth. "How is bedtime managed? Do children ever want to go to bed?" The answer is yes, they do want to go to bed.

Establishing a bedtime based on the age and development of the child was the first part of our rule. The second part was that you could read until you were ready to turn off the lamp on the bedside table. (Many adults are not aware that children need a reading lamp on a table ...

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