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It was with a sense of pride that I listened to participants at the NAEYC Conference in Atlanta in November, 2000 as they discussed not only how our field has grown in size, number, and variety (public, private, and church-related programs; migrant centers; public schools; college and university labs; family child care; employee and agency related centers . . . and more!) but also how scientific and technocratic advancement are changing some of our ways of working and living with families and children. To someone who started teaching in the days when the iceman would arrive at the child care center in his leather apron with a block of ice in his tongs and delight the children with his cheery early morning greeting, we have come a long way.Will we take advantage of what we have learned and make good use of the information on brain and gene research, nutrition, literacy, computers, distance learning, globalization, and new materials?
Will we provide opportunities for young children to be young children and not expect them to learn all there is to know by the time they are five years old?
Will we value the relationship between play and learning?
Will we continue to work for adequate ...