This volume of Exchange Essentials includes the following selected Exchange articles, in pdf format, focusing on observing children in the classroom:
- When We Really See the Child
by Sally Cartwright
- Living in the Real World: A Question of Perspective �" Situationally Disadvantaged
by Jim Greenman
- Observations that Make a Difference
by Margie Carter
- No Ordinary Moments: Using Observation with Toddlers to Invite Further Engagement
by Deb Curtis
- Using Observation: A Mini-Experience in the Life of Children and Teachers
by Eileen Hughes and Alice Hess
- The Teacher as Observer: The Director as Role Model
by Margie Carter and Elizabeth Jones
- Observing Children’s Play
by Margaret Cooney
- Observation: The Primary Tool in Assessment
by Kay Stritzel Rencken
- Seeing Children
by Deb Curtis
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