This volume of Exchange Essentials includes the following selected Exchange articles, in PDF format, focusing on fostering mathematical concepts:
- How Learning Math Skills ‘Fits’ with Emergent Curriculum
by Heather Brandon
- Adult Perceptions of Their Abilities in Math
by Mary Worthington and Suzanne Duarte Jones
- Early Predictors of Mathematical Learning Difficulties: Variations in Children’s Difficulties With Math
by Michelle M. M. Mazzocco
- Music and Math: How Do We Make the Connection for Preschoolers?
by Karen Sawyers and Janet Hutson-Brandhagen
- Line Printing: A Process for Exploring Mathematical Concepts
by Cathy Weisman Topal
- Encouraging Rich Mathematical Experiences at Home
by Ginny Haugen and Kirsten Haugen
- Assessing Mathematical Learning: Observing and Listening to Children
by Juanita V. Copley
- Early Math: It’s More Than Numbers
by Ann S. Epstein
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