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Foul Weather Fun

by Rusty Keeler
January/February 2013
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Article Link: http://www.exchangepress.com/article/foul-weather-fun/5020986/

“Well, the weather outside is frightful . . . ” (in many regions during fall and winter months), but that doesn’t mean we should keep kids indoors. Just the opposite! We want children to get outside and experience all types of weather conditions in all seasons. Quoting the famous saying, “there’s no bad weather, just bad clothing,” folks from all over are bundling children up and sending them outside in all kinds of weather. Here’s another saying: “There’s no bad natural play space.” How about that! Just because your yard isn’t in its lush green, summertime glory doesn’t mean it’s still not an amazing place to explore. In every natural play space there is something to discover all year long. It’s just up to us, as adults, to provide the proper clothing and say “yes!” and send children outside to play.

These pictures are from one of my favorite preschool play yards in Ithaca, New York. This time of year it certainly isn’t pretty. But does that mean it’s not fun? Does that mean it’s not worth going outside? Of course not! Some people think a natural playscape needs to be neat and trim and tidy, but I say let it be ...

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