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Implementing a High Quality Naptime Routine

by Lana Button
July/August 2008
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Article Link: http://www.exchangepress.com/article/implementing-a-high-quality-naptime-routine/5018288/

Your center might offer a top notch learning program, but what kind of quality do you provide when the lights go out? Naptime is designed to allow children to physically rest and emotionally unwind. It’s a time of day where the ‘care’ in child care really comes into play. But the reality is that naptime in a child care center is often a part of the daily schedule that children and staff both dread. Here are some tips for planning and implementing a high quality nap routine that is sure to make everyone rest a little easier.

Hush Little Baby Don’t Say a Word: Setting a peaceful naptime mood

• Always give the children a ‘heads up’ when naptime is approaching. Keep your pre-nap routine consistent and your class will start mentally preparing for a rest before they even hit their cot (i.e., children may wipe their hands or visit the bathroom before finding their cots).
• Keep children’s cots in the same basic location each day. Once you find a spot where a child is most likely to get a good rest, use that spot consistently. Having to adjust to a new spot or a new ‘nap neighbor’ can make it difficult for ...

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