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Impressive Growth Projected for Centers into the 21st Century - Trends Impacting Child Care Centers

by Roger Neugebauer
January/February 1994
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Article Link: http://www.exchangepress.com/article/impressive-growth-projected-for-centers-into-the-21st-century-trends-impacting-child-care-centers/5009580/

You are in the right profession at exactly the right time! I have never before con-ducted a market analysis of any trade where all the demographic indicators pointed so strongly in the right direction.

These encouraging words were directed by Peter Francese, president of American Demographics magazine to an audience of child care directors and owners assembled in Washington, DC, in 1982. His bold assertion was supported with statistics on population trends, purchasing practices, and employment patterns which in concert portrayed a decade of burgeoning demand for child care services (Neugebauer, 1983).

Francese closed his upbeat remarks with a caution: "You should make your mark in child care in the 1980's. By the end of the decade these trends will began to lose their legs and the demand for your services will flatten out."

His optimism about the 1980's proved well-founded. Demand for child care services soared as the number of children under age five with working mothers increased from 4 million in 1977 to 9 million in 1988 (American Demographics, November 1992). But he may have missed the mark with his concerns about the 1990's.

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