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Language - The Greatest Resource for Young Children

by Leah Curry-Rood
May/June 2001
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Article Link: http://www.exchangepress.com/article/language-the-greatest-resource-for-young-children/5013971/

"If you are a teacher of young children, and can have only one kind of toy or material (such as blocks, art supplies, books, musical instruments), which would you choose for the children to have? What would be the most appropriate under the circumstances?" This question, posed in a training session, will set the room abuzz, with the participants defending to the very end the importance of their chosen material. They will regale you not only with the pleasure the children will have, but with the developmental milestones they will reach from having access to each particular resource.

In thinking about the earliest years of a child's life we must ask the question, "What is it that we can do with babies and young children that will be most important to their development?" Our answers to this question can help us look at all our resources and determine the proper allocation to each area of the programs we are developing for young children. It is also an easy way to assess whether our right and left hands are working in concert. When studies, research, and leading professional positions indicate the importance of specific practices with young children, we are obliged to carefully ...

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