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Learning to Harness Human Power

by Roslyn Duffy
January/February 2001
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Article Link: http://www.exchangepress.com/article/learning-to-harness-human-power/5013748/

The Power of Nature

What is power all about? What kind of power is in nature? Sun, wind, rain - fire, air, water. Small everyday things with the potential to inspire, soothe, and heal, or the ability to ravage, destroy and crush.

A puff of air can turn into a breeze, a windstorm, or a hurricane harassing the shore. A trickle of water can become a stream, a river or a wall of death bearing down on the land. What else starts so small and packs so much power?

How is human power like nature's forces? It too can start small. A loving word. A guiding hand, a firm response. It too can swell. A slap, a wallop, a bruised heart - a broken collarbone. Human power can grow to monster dimensions as quickly as a tornado can torment the earth but with far more devastating effect.

What is behind people power? Control? Fear? Hurt? Arrogance?

A power struggle threatens between Marty and Barbara but it need not be a hurricane. Marty wants candy before dinner and Barbara, his mom, says no. Instead of puffing up to gale force, Barbara might become a gentle breeze blowing Marty's attention to helping her wash and toss ...

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