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Loves Children, Loves to Teach

by Carolyn Duncan
May/June 1995
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Article Link: http://www.exchangepress.com/article/loves-children-loves-to-teach/5010324/

One of the building blocks of a quality child care center is a staff of quality teachers. Recently I was going through a stack of teacher applications, and I was impressed by the relative sameness in response to routine questions.

"Why do you want to work with children?" the question asked. It was amazing to discover that almost half of the respondents said, "I love children," and almost half said, "I love to teach." To verify my results, I checked back for several years and found the same responses.

Well, as far as motivation goes, it doesn't get any better than that. Transferring the colicky infant I was trying to soothe from one shoulder to the other, I tried to resolve the question as I walked. Which is better, loving children or loving to teach? And what do respondents mean when they say that?

Does loving children mean putting the child's needs first? Does it mean, as teachers, they would structure the classroom so each child can grow and learn in their own unique way? Or does it simply mean that the teachers want perfect little angels to sit and eat and play quietly without spilling ...

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