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Making Happy Happen - Building Resilience in Children

ITEM #: 4400612

What's In This Kit?
This training kit helps teachers understand specific characteristics or elements in a child’s life that most contribute to resilience. Developing these resilient tendencies will give a child the essential life skills needed to cope with challenges, adopt a positive perspective, and develop self-confidence and self-worth - all essential ingredients for happiness.

This training program contains the following components:

  • Training research, models, benchmarks
  • Preparation and implementation steps
  • Handouts
  • The article “Making Happy Happen - Building Resilience in Children” by Rachel Robertson
  • References and resources
  • Training Certificate for Learner - Certificate of Attendance and Participation

Who's the Target Audience?
The target audiences for this training kit are beginning, intermediate, and advanced Learners who are working with young children (birth through 5 years).

Teacher Skill Level
beginning intermediate advanced
Children's Age Level
infants toddlers preschoolers school-agers birth to 8

Kit Timeline:
Preparation time for this kit is estimated at 1.5 hours. Implementation and actual training time is 3.0 hours, which includes 1.5 hours of face-to-face training and 1.5 hours of independent study and an applied activity project. There is a bonus activity in the Group Instruction face-to-face training, which can add as much as 1 hour to the training time.

Training Outcomes:

At the conclusion of this training, Learners will be able to:

  • Describe the 7 characteristics and elements that contribute to a child’s resilience.
  • Differentiate between encouragement and praise.
  • List at least 5 ways to support children’s development in nurturing resilience.

These training outcomes address the following:

  • Children have varied opportunities to develop a sense of competence and positive attitudes toward learning, such as persistence, engagement, curiosity, and mastery. (2.B.03)
  • Children have varied opportunities to interact positively, respectfully, and cooperatively with others, to learn from and with one another and resolve conflicts in constructive ways. (2.B.06)
  • Cooperative and positive social behaviors are promoted through opportunities for learning reciprocity, empathy, and social skills. (E3)
  • A positive sense of self is promoted through respectful teacher-child interactions. (E2)

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