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Meaningful Work for Young Children

ITEM #: 4400605

What's In This Kit?
This training kit is designed to help teachers understand the role of meaningful work inchildren’s lives. It contains:

  • Expected training outcomes
  • Preparation instructions
  • Training strategies and tips
  • Implementation steps
  • Follow-up activities for teachers
  • Follow-up activities for administrators/directors
  • A learning assessment
  • A training evaluation/further needs assessment
  • A resource list
  • The article “‘Work, Chores, and Play: Setting a Healthy Balance” by David Elkind and “The Value of Real Work with Children Exhibiting Challenging Behavior” by Linda Ransom Jacobs
  • A training certificate to award to teachers for attendance and participation
  • A certificate for the trainer and other presenters

Who's the Target Audience?
The target audience for this kit is intermediate and advanced teachers working with childrenfrom birth to age 8. This kit will introduce teachers to creating a healthy balance betweenwork, chores, and play and to using real work to help children exhibiting challenging behavior.

Teacher Skill Level
beginning intermediate advanced
Children's Age Level
infants toddlers preschoolers school-agers birth to 8

Kit Timeline:
Preparation time for this kit is 1 hour. Implementation time is estimated at 1.5 hours

Training Outcomes:

  1. Teachers will differentiate between toys and materials that create opportunities to work,to play, and to be entertained.
  2. Teachers will explain why children should spend as much or more time doing chores,playing, participating in self-initiated individual and group play, and doing homeworkas being entertained.
  3. Teachers will identify the impact of age, sex-role expectations, and ethnic differences inrole expectations on children’s work, play, and entertainment.
  4. Teachers will make a plan to use real work to address challenging behavior.
  5. Teachers will distinguish between praising children for completing work tasks andallowing children to determine the value of their own work.

These training outcomes address the following professional standards:

  • 1.B.06, 1.B.07, 1.D.02, 1.D.03, 1.D.05, 1.E.04, 1.F.02, 2.B.06, 3.A.05, 3.B.08, 3.E.03 of the NAEYC Early ChildhoodProgram Standards and Accreditation Performance Criteria (National Association for the Education ofYoung Children (2005). NAEYC Early Childhood Program Standards and Accreditation Criteria,Washington, DC: NAEYC or http://www.naeyc.org/accreditation/next_era.asp.
  • 1, 2, and 4b of NAEYC Standards for Early Childhood Professional Preparation, Initial Licensure Level (2003), www.naeyc.org/accreditation/faculty/degrees.asp
  • 1304.21(a)(3)(i)(B), 1304.21(a)3(i)(C), 1304.21(c)(1)(i), and 1304.21(c)(1)(vi) of Head Start PerformanceStandards (Federal Register, Nov. 5, 1006, Volume 61, Number 215),www.acf.hhs.gov/programs/hsb/performance/

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