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Parent/Staff Partnerships

by Ethel Seiderman
January/February 1997
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Article Link: http://www.exchangepress.com/article/parent-staff-partnerships/5011347/

Mary, a member of our family support leadership group, and I were meeting to discuss an upcoming fund raising event. Suddenly, Angie, her 8 year old daughter, part of our after school program, burst into my office.

"Thomas threw a book at me - and Michael (a staff member) didn't even care!" She sobbed in anger. "My leg is hurt and nobody cares."

Having previously experienced Angie's somewhat dramatic style of recounting an event, I turned to both Angie and her mother and said, "We should verify what happened with Michael."

I called Michael. "Yes, I saw what happened. Angie threw the book at Thomas, but missed him. So Thomas picked up the book and threw it back at Angie. His aim was better, and he hit her in the leg. I talked to Angie and we discussed how, if she acts like this, she has to expect some consequences."

"This is what Michael says happened . . ." I told Angie. "My job is to be fair when something like this happens. I have to find out the truth. It should make you feel protected to know that I will find out what happened. I want you to feel safe here."

Mary and I were ...

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