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Parents' Perspectives on Mealtimes - Based on Interviews by Cecelia Alvarado, Cam Do Wong, Robin Gadsden-Dupree, and Karen Kelly

by Bonnie Neugebauer
May/June 1997
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Article Link: http://www.exchangepress.com/article/parents-pe/5011556/

What is a typical evening meal in your home?

Yueh-Kuei: We have four dishes - two vegetable, one meat, one fish - plus soup and rice. If there is only one dish, my husband is very upset - is that all? So he wants four dishes.

Albert: A typical dinner in this house is Janice will cook brown rice and vegetables. We eat very healthy at home. I like to have chicken sometimes; sometimes I will cook like a Chinese dish with curried shrimp and rice.

Camille: We always try to eat together even if it's 7:30 or 8:00; I'll just give my child a snack. He wants to eat with us, so it's always the three of us. We usually light candles and we turn the TV off; it's the time we all talk.

Eileen: Dinner time is not just for eating, it's for family togetherness, family contact, so even if he is done eating very quickly, I will say to him "Please sit down" and "I would like to talk to you a little more," because my goal is that even if he is not going to eat dinner with us, that at some time in the future, he would come ...

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