This practical, joyful collection of articles offers strategies for infusing early childhood environments and
activities with mathematical thinking, through inquiry-based projects and real world exploration.
This volume of Exchange Essentials includes the following selected Exchange articles, in pdf format:
- It’s the Math All Around that Counts:
Developing Number Sense in Young Children
Mary Hynes-Berry, Jie-Qi Chen, and Barbara Abel
- 6 x 7 = Yikes!
Coaching Teachers Past Their Math Anxiety
Heather Bernt-Santy
- Nature As a Path to Early Math
Gwendolyn Johnson and Ruth A. Wilson
- Developing Pre-Number
Concepts in Preschool
Vishakha Deshpande
- Celebrating Numbers in Children’s Books
Jean Dugan
- Branching Out: Exploring Math Concepts with Trees
William Straits and Lauren M. Shea
- All We Need Is A Measuring Tape, Water, and Worms
Diann Gano
- Early Math: It’s More Than Numbers
Ann S. Epstein
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