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Preventing Death by PowerPoint®

by Chip Donohue
January/February 2009
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Article Link: http://www.exchangepress.com/article/preventing-death-by-powerpoint/5018565/

To understand what I mean by ‘Death by PowerPoint®’ simply think back to the worst PowerPoint® lecture, confer-ence presentation, or business seminar you’ve ever experienced. You lived to tell the story, but I bet your life flashed before your eyes more than once and the phrase, “Will someone please put me out of my misery?” kept coming to mind. Now think about a time when you created a PowerPoint® slide show that you were so excited to use in a presentation only to have the audience hit the snooze button.

PowerPoint® and other familiar presentation graphics programs like Apple® Keynote, Corel® Presentations™, Harvard Graphics® Pro Presentations, Lotus® Freelance Graphics, and OpenOffice Impress can help you become a more effective presenter. These programs are designed to organize your words and images to create slides, speaker notes, and handouts that display information and enhance your speech or presentation . . . or so they claim. They each include a variety of tools, templates, and themes that make it easy to create eye-catching, professional looking presentations in no time . . . or so they claim.

If all of this is true, why do things go so horribly wrong so much of the time? ...

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