This volume of Exchange Essentials includes the following selected Exchange articles, in PDF format, focusing on promoting creativity in children:
- The Dancing Singing Easel
by Emily Plank
- Seeing Children Fully Immersed in Sensory Exploration
by Jess Guiney, Sheena Wilson, and Deb Curtis
- How Creative is Your Early Childhood Classroom
by Vanessa Ewing and Laura Tuthill
- Imagination Deficit
by Remy Agee and Marlene Welch
- Construction in the Imagineering Classroom
by Sandra Duncan
- Supporting Creativity
by Madhavi Sudarsana
- Creativity Comes Dressed in Everyday Clothes
by Lella Gandini
- Too Much and Too Many: How Commercialism and Screen Technology Combine to Rob Children of Creative Play
by Susan Linn
- Imaginary Soup, Homemade Books, and Tattered Blankets: Creative Thinking in Early Childhood
by Teresa Walton-Helm
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