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Protecting Children's Health and Safety in Every Setting

by Amie Lapp Payne and Mary Beth Salomone Testa
November/December 2014
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Article Link: http://www.exchangepress.com/article/protecting-childrens--health-and-safety-in-every-setting/5022008/

Do you serve children who receive child care subsidies? Even if your answer is “no,” have you ever considered how the Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG) impacts you and your business? CCDBG isn’t just the biggest pot of money to help families pay for child care, but also �" and importantly �" it is the policies and requirements that shape whether and how child care providers are mandated to keep children healthy and safe, and getting high-quality early learning experiences wherever providers care for kids. In reality, whether you serve children receiving subsidies or not, CCDBG impacts you, your child care business, your employees, and the ­families and children you serve.

The Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) is the name of the combined funds �" including the Child Care Development Block Grant (CCDBG) �" used to support low-income working families. CCDF is the primary source of public funding for child care and is a federal-state partnership in which federal child care funds are distributed to states to help offset the cost of child care for families transitioning from public assistance to employment. This support is called child care subsidy.

With a child care subsidy, income-eligible parents use ...

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