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Selecting Child Care Administrative Software

by Michael Kalinowski
July/August 1998
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Article Link: http://www.exchangepress.com/article/selecting-child-care-administrative-software/5012263/

When directors ask me, as they now do regularly, what is the best, most "user friendly" child care administrative software package to purchase, they are invariably disappointed when I give them an honest answer: It depends. The simple fact of the matter is that there is no single product that is best for everyone. Hundreds of such programs are gathering dust on shelves across America because the desire to decide quickly overshadowed the desire to make the most appropriate choice. Making an informed choice is a task that may take 12-20 hours of time to do well, but may result in a program or package that may easily save hundreds of hours over the next several years. The only reasonable alternative is to hire a consultant experienced in both technology and child care to do the work for you.


What is appropriate for an individual director depends upon the following five factors:

Needs. The first step, and the hardest but most important thing to do, is list (yes, write down) very clearly what you would ideally like the computer to do for you. Focus only on your regular duties. What are the 20 most important activities that you do at work?

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