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The 2008 Working Forum on Men in Early Care in Education (WFMECE) was a first-of-its-kind event and is now part of our collective history. Sponsored by the World Forum Foundation in collaboration with the Hawai‘i Association for the Education of Young Children and, the event extended the international dialog on changing roles for men and women. As a result, this event was unique, progressive, and historical in its implications. The world came to Hawai‘i to hear and share stories about the many roles of men in early childhood care and education �" stories about what it means to be a man working in ECE, and to be a woman or a child in a world with few male teachers. Listen to the story of a curriculum developer from Kenya:My change of job as a lecturer from a teachers’ training college to dealing with children 0-8 years old shocked many who thought that it was either a sacking or a demotion for me as a man to have come down to an area thought to be a woman’s domain. Indeed, when l went to Namibia and South Africa to give support in ECE, people there were equally shocked. However, this was ...