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Success Stories

by Quinn Neugebauer
September/October 2006
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Article Link: http://www.exchangepress.com/article/success-stories/5017104/

Exchange celebrates the creativity of early childhood programs in creating solutions to everyday challenges. We invite you to share your ideas with the readers of Exchange magazine.

We are looking for all sorts of ideas, both big and small. It could be a technique you use for training staff, a fundraising idea, a fee collections tip, a public relations idea, a financial management tool, a program evaluation approach, a paperwork organization method, or anything that makes your program work better.

Go to www.ChildCareExchange.com and click on “Success Stories.” Identify the challenge or problem you faced; your solution to this problem; and some details about this solution so others might follow in your footsteps. Be specific! Thank you for your willingness to share your innovations with Exchange readers! Read on to learn about three real life success stories.

Gale Wiik,
Breezy Point Day School, Langhorne, Pennsylvania

Making Classroom Science and Math Centers new and exciting in all 15 classrooms. Many times I would attend conferences or go on a trip and find an item which would pique the interest of a 3-4 year old. Since I only bought one bear claw, giant quartz crystal, alligator puppet, or shark jaw, I devised a system of boxes for Science ...

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