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Supporting Children and Families Throughout Military Deployment

by Rachel Robertson
November/December 2007
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Article Link: http://www.exchangepress.com/article/supporting-children-and-families-throughout-military-deployment/5017888/

A military deployment is a challenging time for all family members. Young children are especially vulnerable because they often don’t have skills to handle all of the change and uncertainty and are still learning to manage their emotions and behaviors. They don’t have a wealth of past experiences to rely on as adults do. They also don’t have advanced communication skills and, therefore, tend to communicate and express emotions through actions or behaviors rather than words, especially when their emotions are intense.

Inevitably, a child’s world changes when a parent deploys. Caregivers and teachers have many unique opportunities to have a significant and positive impact on the experiences of military children throughout the deployment cycle. While unavoidable, some of the negative emotions and behaviors children could potentially display can be minimized by understanding and meeting their special needs during this time. The efforts you make as a caregiver and important, trusted adult in their lives will, in turn, support and benefit all children in the program and members of their families.

What young children need

While deployment is undoubtedly a challenging event in a child’s life, it does not have to be unbearable. Many children gain valuable skills and abilities during this experience: ...

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