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Synchronistic Leadership

by Jim Robertson and Karen Talley
July/August 2002
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Article Link: http://www.exchangepress.com/article/synchronistic-leadership/5014607/

Warning: If you're a pragmatist trusting only facts or things seen, then the following may cause acute disorientation, emerging signs of intuition, recurring self-awareness, and advanced stages of individualization. This is an over the counter (or over the edge, depending on your point of view!) prescription for probing the mysteries of the psychic, imaginal, and paradoxical that emerge inexplicably and mysteriously from the quantum fog.

Funny, but that sounds a lot like an early childhood director's day! So what role do these unusual, intuitive, spiritual, and psychic forces, which quantum physicists and their New Sciences are hastening to explore, play in our lives and work with young children? It's a subject that we have enthusiastically explored and are excited to share.

As two early childhood directors and consultants, (one male, one female; one right brained/intuitive, the other left/sensorial) who have pursued early childhood education as a career for more than two decades and find inquiry, metaphysics, and psychology fascinating, we understand that we and our topic fall a tad bit outside the box! But in truth, such probing of the mysterious and speculative shouldn't prove that alien to early childhood educators. After all, on any given day, we eagerly sit down to ...

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