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The Four Challenges to Succeeding in a Family Business

by Roger Neugebauer
March/April 1995
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Article Link: http://www.exchangepress.com/article/the-four-challenges-to-succeeding-in-a-family-business/5010207/

My husband and I decided that child care was the perfect business for us. We thought we could provide a valuable service for families and that child care would be an easy business to start. We were right on the first score and dead wrong on the second. - Husband and wife owners of a child care center

There are probably over 20,000 family operated child care centers in the United States. In addition, a large share of the vendors serving the early childhood profession are run by husbands and wives. Most of these owners are highly motivated by their pride in providing much needed services. Yet most would probably admit that if they had known how very hard it is to succeed in launching business in this arena they might have directed their energies elsewhere.

This article will provide insights from 18 husbands and wives on dealing with four major hurdles they confronted in operating a family business. The families interviewed are typical of the spectrum of families currently operating child care businesses. Some have been in business less than five years, others more than 50. Some are husband and wife teams, some ...

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