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The Well Director

by Roger Neugebauer
January/February 1995
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Article Link: http://www.exchangepress.com/article/the-well-director/5010130/

How do you stack up as a director? Is your performance finely honed, vibrant, and robust? Or is it displaying symptoms of frailty?

If you believe it is time to give your leadership behavior a check-up, read on. To help you evaluate your performance as a director, I have identified ten vital attributes of a well director. This selection is based upon my observations of directors in action, as well as upon the advice of numerous business management experts.

Compare your performance against these attributes. But do not be too harsh on yourself. It is unlikely that anyone would excel in all of these areas. View this more as a set of goals to strive toward, rather than as a do or die checklist.

The well director has a vision for her organization.

The well director sees herself involved in more than a nine-to-five job. According to Charles Garfield, truly effective leaders have "a sense of being involved in a creative mission that matters." They have a vision for their organization that gives their work meaning, that inspires them to act.

This vision not only inspires the leader, it also infects all those in the ...

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