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The Wide World of Early Education: Programs for Vulnerable Children

ITEM #: 4400304

What's In This Kit?
This training kit is designed to introduce teachers to diverse programs that serve specialpopulations of vulnerable children, both in the U.S. and around the world. It contains:

  • Expected training outcomes
  • Preparation instructions
  • Training strategies and tips
  • Implementation steps
  • Follow-up activities for teachers
  • Follow-up activities for administrators/directors
  • A learning assessment
  • A training evaluation/further needs assessment
  • A resource list
  • The Beginnings Workshop articles focusing on "Child Care in Unique Environments."
  • A training certificate to award to teachers for attendance and participation
  • A certificate for the trainer and other presenters

Who's the Target Audience?
The target audience for this kit is beginning, intermediate, and advanced teachers workingwith children from ages birth to 8. This kit will introduce teachers to the diversity of earlychildhood programs that serve vulnerable populations of children.

Teacher Skill Level
beginning intermediate advanced
Children's Age Level
infants toddlers preschoolers school-agers birth to 8

Kit Timeline:
Preparation time for this kit is estimated at 1.5 - 3.0 hours. Implementation time is estimated at 2.0 hours.

Training Outcomes:

  1. Teachers will describe the variety of early childhood programs that serve vulnerablepopulations of children.
  2. Teachers will identify ways early childhood programs reach and serve vulnerablechildren.
  3. Teachers will summarize the goals and objectives of early childhood programs servingspecial populations of children.
  4. Teachers will identify early childhood programs in their community that serve vulnerablechildren.
  5. Teachers will select an early childhood education program that serves vulnerablechildren and get additional information about their programs.
  6. Teachers will explain professional advocacy roles and responsibilities related tovulnerable children.
  7. Teachers will make a plan to visit and learn more about a local program that servesvulnerable children.
  8. Teachers will list information they would like to find out during the visit.
  9. Teachers will describe ways to advocate for vulnerable children.

These training outcomes address the following professional standards:

  • 7.25U, 7.26U, 8.1U, and 8.2U of the NAEYC Early Childhood Program Standards and AccreditationPerformance Criteria (2005), www.naeyc.org/accreditation/academy.asp.
  • 2 and 5 of NAEYC Standards for Early Childhood Professional Preparation, Initial Licensure Level (2003),www.naeyc.org/accreditation/faculty/degrees.asp.
  • 1304.40(b)(1) and 1304.40(g)(1)(iii) of Head Start Performance Standards (Federal Register, Nov. 5, 1996, Volume 61, Number 215), www.acf.hhs.gov/programs/hsb/performance/.
  • D11 of the National Accreditation Commission for Early Care and Education Programs, NationalAssociation of Child Care Professionals (2005), www.naccp.org.

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