Article Link:!/5018612/
It does not take Warren Buffett to proclaim that hard economic times are upon us. A worldwide economic crisis has left major companies unable to acquire financial capital to meet operational necessities, let alone expansion or development. The aftermath of all this is further reduced
consumer confidence, greater reluctance to make purchases, and ultimately job losses and business failures. Not a happy story, especially for those of us who provide families with a vital service - quality early care and education - which allows the world to go to work - assuming there is a job to go to in this recession.
So what does all this mean to the early care and education provider? Declining enrollment, reduced work schedules, continued high costs for operations, disgruntled staff, apprehensive parents, and continued economic declines. Call me a contrarian, which I am, but there appears to be certain opportunities here. I make this statement with full respect for the families and schools/centers that are suffering the consequences of a huge and scary economic downturn. However, certain opportunities are present if one is open to finding them.
I have learned that most owners or managers can ...