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We are all apprentices in a craft where no one ever becomes a master.�" Ernest Hemingway
Susan began her day at her desk writing a letter to a parent, reminding her of their upcoming appointment. She was interrupted by her lead teacher’s request that she review the week’s lesson plan. From there she turned her attention to the draft job announcement for an infant teacher that had to be called into the local newspaper and a performance review of her cook. Still awaiting her attention was the landscaping contract for the play yard, the invitation to the annual spring fundraiser, and the revision to the employee handbook.
The job of the early childhood director requires that we become comfortable in performing a wide variety of tasks. Being a director demands skills in many different areas, as well as the ability to focus our attention in many directions at once. While we undoubtedly have heard this broad description of the director’s job before, very little attention has been focused on the number of work-related tasks that involve writing. Did you ever stop to think about how many times in any given day that your job requires strong writing skills? Here’s an inclusive, ...