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Five Minute Meditation For Preschoolers and Teachers

by Satomi Izumi-Taylor
January/February 2023
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Article Link: http://www.exchangepress.com/article/five-minute-meditation-for-preschoolers-and-teachers/5026972/

Although the pandemic is winding down, violence, cultural events and health crises in schools and communities inform us of the importance of redoubling our efforts to prevent and compassionately address trauma in children’s and teachers’ lives. It is difficult to learn to cope with stressful environments, because we are often limited in our abilities to deal with traumatic environmental forces. However, early childhood educators need to be better equipped to meet children’s needs during these stressful times. Although teachers cannot shield children from every challenge, they can help children calm themselves and engage proactively in school activities through meditation.

Meditation can easily be implemented in everyday routines for children and teachers. The benefits of meditation include clearer thinking and improved attention, as well as better self-control, stress management, productivity, and development of calm, peaceful minds. Meditation can lower our blood pressure and stress hormones. During meditation, we pay attention to breathing and stillness to reach a mindful state. Meditation cannot solve everyday challenges, but it can give children and teachers opportunities to be present in the moment, to manage emotions, and to calmly address classroom issues. Before starting meditation, teachers can announce to students that practicing meditation takes time and that they ...

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