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Conferencing with Parents of Infants

by Kay Albrecht
July/August 1997
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Article Link: http://www.exchangepress.com/article/conferencing-with-parents-of-infants/5011651/

Parent conferences are an accepted part of a high quality care and early education program. Conferences form the foundation of the communication system between parents and the programs in which children spend their day. The length of the day and the busy schedules of working parents often leave teachers wondering how to make this crucial part of the program a viable one.

Conferences Are Parent Education

Conferences are a component of parent education. There are five goals of parent education.

- to help parents develop self-confidence in their own parenting style;
- to increase their understanding of child development;
- to enhance parenting skills so that parents are able to support their child's increasing developmental competence;
- to empower parents to make good parenting decisions and choices; and
- to connect parents to resources.

To address each of these goals for parents of infants, re-conceptualize parent conferences into a broader system of conferencing.

Assumptions about Conferencing with Parents of Infants Are Different

Parent conferences are actually part of a broader communication system. The system is based on five assumptions:

- All communication needs to take place more often.
- Family systems have many adjustments to make as they transition to parenthood. Parenting in the U.S. is a lonely endeavor. Close relatives, neighborhoods ...

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