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I firmly believe happy staff make for happy classrooms and happy classrooms make for happy children. However, with all the pressures facing child care programs �" from the economy to state requirements �" creating and maintaining a positive work environment becomes tougher and tougher.The importance of a positive work environment
You may be surprised to learn that money isn’t the key to retaining staff; a positive work environment is. The Leadership Challenge found that “how long employees stay at a company, and how productive they are there, is determined by the relationship they have with their immediate supervisor” (Kouzes & Posner, 2002, p. 317). A paycheck will get a job done, but it doesn’t guarantee the job will be done well.
Now that you’ve seen the importance of creating a positive work environment, let’s look at some easy ways to get started.
Bring your best self
While driving into work one morning I noticed I felt dread and apprehension. Would my boss be in a good mood? Would I spend the day calming challenging children? Would the papers on my desk pile up even more? I realized I was adding to the stress and negativity at work and vowed to bring my best self ...