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Creativity Comes Dressed in Everyday Clothes

by Lella Gandini
May/June 1992
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Article Link: http://www.exchangepress.com/article/creativity-comes-dressed-in-everyday-clothes/5008534/

"Creative? Me? No way!"

"Creativity is a gift - you either have it or you don't."

"I'm not at all creative, I can't even draw a line, I'm not the one to help children be creative."

"Sure it would be nice to do creative activities with the children, but there's limited money for art materials."

Educators like these hold a passive concept of creativity. For them, creativity is equated only with artistic expression, a mere accessory to the learning experience. Children in their classrooms are not encouraged to venture into their own ideas - to explore, to experiment, to risk.

But there is another, well-researched (Hendrick) definition that, when applied, can transform early childhood classrooms into exciting, stimulating workshops where busy minds are engaged in
problem-solving. By this definition, creativity is the production of novel thoughts, solutions, and/or products based on previous experience and knowledge. It follows directly that:

_ Creativity can emerge both from the process and from the results of children's learning experiences.

_ Novel thoughts, solutions, and products can be brought forth by different types of learning, not only when children are provided with art materials.

_ When children are working to express themselves and to represent the world around ...

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